Saturday, February 20, 2010


Last night, I got the urge to look up where Siena and Butler are. I don't know why; they're just two unknown schools I come across now and then, and I have this tremendous need to know things.

It turns out that Siena is in Loudonville, N.Y., near Albany, and Butler is in Indianapolis.

Today, my wife pointed out a tag on the back of a Sienna van, and I mentioned that I'd looked up Siena and Butler on the Internet. Holly said that's Siena with one "n", and I agreed.

Siena and Butler played basketball today, with Butler winning. No big deal, but it's a weird coincidence, isn't it?

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1 comment: said...

Nice win for Butler! I hope Siena does not make it into the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament as an at-large because of this defeat.


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