Monday, July 18, 2016

Russian basketball players going to lunch

In the early 1990s, I was going to lunch in a steakhouse in Charleston, S.C., and I saw about 10 really tall men in front of me. I recognized one of them: Alexander Volkov, a native of the Ukraine who played from 1989 to '92 for the NBA's Atlanta Hawks.

As the manager came up to them, I passed them, but I could still hear them talking. The manager asked how he could help them. In clear English, the man I recognized as Volkov said "I'm Alexander Volkov, and this is the Russian basketball team. We're here for lunch." The manager then helped them go through the line.

I don't know why they were in Charleston or why they were in that particular steakhouse. I don't even know why I mention it here.

The 6-10 Volkov was one of the best basketball players I ever saw in person, although I never saw him play other than on TV. He's not the best basketball player I've ever seen; I saw Chris Paul in high school and just before he went into the NBA, and I saw Xavier McDaniel (the X Man) play in high school.

But that's another story for another time.


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