Friday, October 7, 2011


These are among the testimonials I've received over the years:

JANIE PENDLETON, novelist: Tom is a writer's best friend. He is doing a fabulous job 'Copy Editing' and 'Vetting' my sequel to "The Gates to Love and War" called "The Heart of Vengeance".

Easy to work with and honest, Tom polishes my skills to shine above my other competitors work. The writing business is slim and none when it comes to hitting the big-time....Only 10% of three-hundred thousand manuscripts got published this year (2008). Of that lucky 10%...only 3% of the authors gained a noticable profit!....So, with that knowledge, you now know you MUST go in the ring with top skills behind you... Tom is that "manager" so to speak. The one who can guide your thoughts and give ideas to boost your manuscripts vision leaving you standing in the winner's circle!

Janie Pendleton, Novelist,
"The Gates to Love and War"
Voted: 1st place Modern War/Romance Novel 2008; 2nd place for "Best Ever Contemporary Romance 2008", 3rd place for "Best Twist" for 2008, 3rd place for "Best Romantic Suspense" 2008.

WILLIAM PIPES, novelist: “Tom Gillispie is presently editing a novel for me. I could not be more pleased. He doesn't tiptoe around. He tells it like it is. His years of experience as an editor shows in his work.

His price is more than reasonable, he edits, then I send it back to be reedited, all for the one most reasonable price.

It is with pleasure that I write this recommendation.” November 9, 2010
Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, Good Value

1st William Pipes,
hired Tom as a Writer/Editor in 2010

JODIE SARVER, former colleague: “As editor for The Racing Journal, Tom did a fantastic job coordinating the weekly editorial and photography budgets, writing all stories and editorials, taking all photos, editing the pages. He used his racing industry contacts and knowledge to help the publication grow. The publication was well-received by readers.” February 9, 2009
1st Jodi Stephenson Sarver, Syndication Sales & Marketing Representative, Media General
worked directly with Tom at The Racing Journal

Contact: I can be reached at or Also, my Twitter handle is EDITORatWORK.

Blog entries from The Auto Racing Journal
(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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