Sunday, August 23, 2009

Misspelled headline, purely on purpose

I helped put out the sports section last night, and I quickly broke a rule about headlines. The story was about two former Heisman Trophy winners, Sam Bradford of Oklahoma and Tim Tebow of Florida, returning this year and making it hard for Colt McCoy of Texas in the Heisman race.

The paper calls this kind of headline a sidebonker. In honor of the two former Heisman winners, the headline was FORMER HEISMEN: Bradford, Tebow put McCoy in shadows. I hope someone gets it.

I edited a story on a soccer player, Oguchi Onyewu, and I used his nickname in the sidebonker -- GOOOOCH! Onyewu takes his game abroad.

I also edited a story on Brett Favre, and the headline is self-explanatory: IN SCHOOL Favre still has plenty to learn about his team as he gets ready to lead Vikings.

I edited a story on Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympics, and I wanted to use a headline that reflected Patrick Ryan's quest. I wanted to use Go, Chicago, but the allotted area was too small. I mentioned that to the paginator (page designer), and he widened the headline area to take in Go, Chicago. Thanks, Rick.

We were busy, as I also edited college football, tennis, golf and baseball stories.

I put the American League roundup together, and I helped with the National League roundup.

While writing the cutline (caption) for the Sprint Cup race, I noticed that Mark Martin's name was listed twice in the lineup agate. They fixed it.

Finally, deadline (midnight) struck, and we were looking at proofs.

And, as always, we're outta here.

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