Monday, May 25, 2020


Jon Meacham: The only way to beat anti-democratic forces is at the ballot box




SE Cupp: If Donald Trump loses, it's clear he won't go quietly

Analyst: Trump doesn't have legal power to do what he's threatening

How To Protect Your Vote Amid The Trump Administration’s Assault On The Postal Service | MSNBC

Bernie Sanders on USPS: Donald Trump is crazy, not stupid

65% of Republicans Not Confident Election Will Be Fair

President Donald Trump Postmaster Downgrading Of Political Mail Draws Scorn | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Longtime GOP strategist says he'll 'work with Democrats' to defeat Trump

Trump Already Working To Undermine Credibility Of 2020 Election | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Stelter: We are witnessing creeping authoritarianism

Republicans Won't Back Up Trump On Delaying 2020 Election | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Group prepares for chance Trump refuses to concede election

Andrew Yang reacts to President Trump's tweet about election delay

BREAKING CRISIS: Trump Suggests Delaying 2020 Election

How Trump Is Slowing Down The Post Office In The Year Of The Mail-In Ballot | All In | MSNBC

Trump won these key states in 2016. Now, he's losing them

Why 2020 could be a historically bad election for Republicans

OH NO: Trump Thinks "Mail-in" and "Absentee" Ballots Are Different

The real reason Donald Trump hates mail-in ballots

Why Latino Voters Are Giving 'Serious Consideration' To Biden | Morning Joe | MSNBC

James Carville On Prediction Of A 'Democratic Tsunami' In November | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Massachusetts Passes Universal Vote-by-Mail

Colorado Secretary of State: Voter Fraud Is 'Very Hard To Pull Off,' But Voter Suppression Is Easy

Sen. Schumer: GOP Wants As Few People To Vote As Possible | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Amy McGrath Wins Kentucky Senate Democratic Primary, NBC News Projects | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Triggered Trump Demands Apology for Poll Saying He's Losing

LeBron James Launches Group Aimed At Protecting Voting Rights | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Trump SCARED: Turnout TRIPLES in Vote-by-Mail

"Never Biden" Implodes as Trump Approaches Dictatorship

The Senate is slipping from Republicans

Twitter CALLS OUT Trump’s Bull%*$t

Data goes against Trump's fear of mail-in voting

BREAKING: Judge Rules Texans Can Vote By Mail

Trump Threatening States Over Vote-by-Mail

Trump lashes out at swing states over vote-by-mail

Republicans Confess They Can't Win Without Cheating

How voting by mail could save the US election

Mail-in voting can be thwarted by poorly designed ballots and undercounted votes

Trump escalates campaign against voting by mail l GMA

Trump Threatens Michigan Funding in Push for Voting by Absentee Ballot

Data goes against Trump's fear of mail-in voting

Former felons in Florida still fighting for voting rights

Bernie: NOT Voting Biden is "Irresponsible," Distances from Staffer

Infections SPIKE in Trump-Voting Areas

Entries from The Dog Blog

Blog entries from The Auto Racing Journal
(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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