Sunday, December 8, 2019

The silhouette of a deer


I've seen deer on the side
of the road often enough, but I saw something unique recently. It was dusk; I looked up, and a deer was silhouetted as it raced across our cul-de-sac into the woods.

That silhouette looked powerful and beautiful, and it would have been great to get a picture. Even if I'd been ready with a camera or phone, I wouldn't have been quick enough. It was here and gone.

A couple of days later, it was getting dark when I was coming home from the store. I turned into the driveway, and my car lights illuminated a deer racing across the driveway and yard. It quickly got lost in the woods.

I wonder if it was the same deer.

EPILOGUE: Occasionally, my dog Dixie and I will be walking on the driveway and I'll hear something rummaging around in the woods. Again, I wonder if it was that silhouetted deer.

PS: On July 11, 2023, I was taking out a bag of trash when I noticed a young deer standing in a neighbor's yard. It heard me holler to my wife, but it didn't move; it just looked at me.

I turned and put the bag in the barrel; when I came back, the deer was gone. And my wife came out to see what I was hollering about.

Entries from The Dog Blog

Blog entries from The Auto Racing Journal
(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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