Monday, June 17, 2019

Links to wealth and debt

The Secret Millionaire s01e05

Warren Buffett - The World's Greatest Money Maker

Tony Robbins - The Millionaire Mindset

Money: Master the Game (by Tony Robbins)

How the super rich live (Wealth Documentary) - Real Stories

Luxury lifestyle of billionaires - World Billionaires - HD 2019

Putin's secret riches

She got married to a millionaire for his money, but after his death she got a surprise


High rents force some in Silicon Valley to live in vehicles

"The Other North Carolina"

The Incredible Shrinking Middle Class

Debt slavery via the college education bubble and scam

The debt we don't talk about

Invisible Reality; The Working Poor

Could household debt cause the next recession?

America’s Student Debt Crisis: Marvin's Story | Consumer Reports

Scholarslip: A documentary about the student debt crisis

Voices of Debt - The Student Loan Crisis: Don't major in debt

Employed but still homeless, working poor say "Homelessness can happen to anybody" -

BBC - The Money Trap - How banks control the world through debt

Documentary: Millennials and Debt | No Room to Maneuver

Billionaires and homelessness - the reality of San Francisco

I'm 29 years old with nearly $1,000,000 in debt!


Why Job Seekers, Employers Aren't Connecting

Bad bargain? Mobile homeowners feel financial strain

Solving student debt

Dog-Walkers to Dominatrices: The World of 'Malemployment' for College Grads

Too old to be hired, too young for the pension | A Current Affair

Randy Travis reveals all his money is gone

"Hidden Homeless" Homeless in Rural America

BBC Spotlight - Poverty in Northern Ireland

Living in fuel poverty

Living on food stamps in New Hampshire

HIDDEN: Homeless In The County

Fake homeless man caught with big house

How unregulated finance is killing democracy

Is gold the biggest fraud in history?


(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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