Thursday, May 5, 2011

Keeping up with Sherlock Holmes online

If you like to read
about Sherlock Holmes (and I do), check out this web site. You should be able to read most of the books and stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, including his Holmes and Professor Challenger series.

I also found several short Holmes audio books on YouTube. Here's the URL for the search.


You might check out a web site I found called The Best of Sherlock. It led me to the Holmes short stories before going to the novels.

I was excited recently when I was watching Jeremy Brett's version of Sherlock Holmes, since Sherlock's brother, Mycroft, was going to appear. I recognized the Mycroft actor, Charles Gray, as the same guy who played Blofeld on the James Bond movie You Only Live Twice.

It turns out that Mycroft was featured in two of Brett's Holmes shows, especially in The Mazarin Stone. Brett died the next year, 1995, at age 61, and Gray died in 2000, at age 71.

The Holmes/Brett shows were better, by the way, when Mycroft/Gray was in them.

I just watched Pursuit to Algiers, a movie featuring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. For years, I've been looking for the Holmes movie in which Bruce did a lovely version of Loch Lomond. When I learned that a young woman in the movie was a singer and pianist, I knew this was the one.

And it was. Nigel Bruce's voice was as good as I remembered.

You can find it here.


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